Why Solid Gold Dog Food can Give Your Dog the Wealthy Health

Sissy- Harrington McGill, while touring Germany with Great Danes noticed that German dogs have longer life spans than those of United States. The reason was in the ingredients in the dog food that they were fed with. Returning to her native California, she experimented and in 1974 launched solid Gold dog food with the help of her own natural ingredients formula.

The company has concentrated on pet foods without any preservatives or saturated fats, for over 30 years. Wheat, soya and corn found in many other pet foods are replaced by rice, barley and oats. USDA choice meats, are the only ones found in the company’s pet food products. Solid Gold dog food also has a line for shampoos and skin treatment for pets.

As pet care products gain importance for pet owners, the solid gold dog food line for skin therapy, ear treatment and shampoos have made conspicuous in roads in natural pet care. These products promoting the health and appearance of their beloved pets have become a top priority for many pet owners. The flax seed oil and shampoos with jojoba skin treatment and coat conditioner-all go to make the pet healthier and happier.

No place for artificial products

All natural ingredients make Solid Gold dog food products. The freshest cuts of meat and the high quality grains ensure that the animal is being treated as a member of the owner’s family. Artificial flavouring or preservatives to change the taste do not help the pet nutritionally.
It is very much debatable if the solid god dog food ensures longevity of any animal. There is no doubt that quality nutritional food is a contributing factor to the overall health of the animal. It is the priority of solid gold dog food to see that there are no problems causing ingredients in any animal. Therefore it uses only the best products in the pet food.

In addition to pet food and skin care products for animals requiring extra nutritional help, solid gold dog food produces supplements with vitamins and minerals for a healthy life. Balancing the dog’s vitamins C and phosphorous in take with no diary products can be achieved with many supplements from solid gold dog food which is popular and renowned.

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