How to Avoid Your Dog from Eating Contaminated Dog food

To find out that one’s pet dog and faithful companion is down with contaminated dog food is the worst condition for the owner. Voiceless animals always depend on their owners or masters for their food requirements and health.They are expected to show their best interests at heart for the well being of their pet animals. In spite of these well wishers of pet, feeding the dog with contaminated dog food may be accidental but the effects will be the same and disastrous.

No family pet should be fed with table scraps safe for humans but potentially dangerous and deadly to Canines. By chance some pet foods may contain things fit for human consumption but not for dogs. They may cause illness in a dog. In addition, if one ingredient in a dog food is tainted, the whole food is contaminated and affected.

In recent times tainted wheat products utilized in pet food were the cause of serious, and in a few cases fatal illnesses in dogs and cats. The whole lot of that contaminated dog food was removed from the market. But before the removal of that contaminated food, many deaths and diseases were caused. The poor affected animals could not voice their agony and it was too late by the time they realized that it was a food problem.

Food chain broken with contamination

Many ingredients like meat and grains constitute dog food and at any point on the food chain something can sneak in to contaminate dog food. But chicken and other meat products are produced independent of pet food manufacturers. Dog food companies should see to it that inspection facilities are proper to ensure that the ingredients are only fed healthy foods.

For instance, a chicken used in pet food, it fed with tainted chicken feed, may not be affected. But when it becomes a part of the ingredients in dog food, it produces a negative affect on the dog thus becoming a source of contaminated dog food.

So the first step in determining the chances of feeding the pet with contaminated dog food, by mistake, is a good reading of the ingredients or dog food. For assurance, you should use only quality dog food from a trust worthy source. This will surely bring down the possibility of illness from the source of food.

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