Why it is Good and Valid to Make Your Own Dog Food at Home

The idea has taken a good root that all the pet owners are thinking of making their own dog food instead of just buying some kibble. As in ancient days feeding a dog can be done using recipes from others or with the knowledge of nutrients to feed your canine pets. In order to make home made dog foods you should also know why you want to do so.

Avoid chemicals

Packaged dog food, like the one for people has filler, artificial flavour, and preservatives. You can avoid all these in home made dog food as you are preparing it. Too many artificial additives are in your food and surely you have to worry abut the materials with your dogs.

Added vitamins

As in human beings, lack of some vitamins leads o deficiency diseases in dogs. Anti oxidants play an important part in dog food as in people according to vets. Home made dog food with vegetables supply vitamins and foods in to your dog’s diet. You can also add other things to make the dog healthy. Egg shell can be powdered and put in home made dog food for proper supply of calcium for the pet.

Variety to Dinner time

Variety is the spice of life. Pets can be bored with the same type of food day in and day out. Home made dog food offers variety in diet as you can prepare different meals for them. Thus the pet dog well get lean meats in their diet like chicken or fish in the place of too much fatty meat like pork.

Food Prep is Easy

In spite of differences in human and dog physiologies, still there are a few common things to combine making home made dog food along with peoples’ food. Home made dog foods are popular with a ratio of two parts meat to one art vegetables steaming some broccoli and chicken is easy and the dog can be given that food. Though you don’t give hot dogs to your pet, there are foods you can share. It all depends on how healthy you cook food for you and your pet. Home made dog food is a perfect start for you and your dog.

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