Your Chihuahua Potty Training made Simple

Patience and dedication make training a dog very simple. The trainer should have total commitment though his patience might be tested from time to time. You can surely succeed in training your Chihuahua dog by following a few simple guidelines and recommendations.Begin potty training your dog from his puppy stage. 7 weeks appears to be the ideal time to start potty training for your Chihuahua while others feel that it is too early.

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As young one grasp things quicker the puppy may react positively. A few accidents may happen during the training period.Make use of a kennel or a crate to train your Chihuahua. It restricts the movements and creates the dog’s own personal place.

By natural instinct the pet will not urinate or defecate in his personal space or soil it. Your dog will control its nature calls till he is taken out of the crate. Take out your pet outdoors soon after you free him from crate.

Regularly take your pet outdoors to relieve it self. Dogs feel the urge to peeing and urinating when they wake up in the morning, after food and play or exercise.

Let the dog know what you expect of it, use hand gestures or verbal commands to communicate to him. Set up common commands like “go pee” “Go poop”, “Go outside” which would be useful in teaching your pet.

Another secret of successful training is to praise the dog whenever he obeys and does the right thing when accidents take place, be tolerant and do not shout back at your dog.

Avoid physical punishment in toto. Be firm bur friendly in your communication. At one time or other your dog will certainly understand and always pee and poop at the appropriate place.



Pet Dog Training
Pup Training Tips
Adult Dog Training

Training Adult Dog
Self-Train Your Dog
Potty Training Basics
Dog’s Potty Training
Pet Dog Potty Training
House Training Puppy
Potty Training Chihuahua
Potty Training Information
Toilet Training Your Dog
Train Your Pup to Pee & Poop
Potty Train your Dog Necessities
Potty Training Your Dog Control
Potty Train your Dog Efficiently
Potty Training Your New Puppy
Potty Train Your Dog Right away
Training Dog to Use same Poop Area
Potty Training Your Dog and be a Master
Potty Training Your Dog at a Young Age



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