How You can Fascinate Your Dog with Various Dog Food Options

Nutrition for your dog should in no way be inferior to that of any other member of your family if you think that the dog is important. More over canine nutrition is not as simple as pet food companies make it out. Though you want to give the best dog food to your pet, a wide variety of choices available makes it rather difficult to choose from.

Let us see some options in dog food and how they can be listed as, good or bad.

Home made

Home made dog food is popular with those who want to know how it is made and people who say that dogs have enjoyed man made food from time immemorial. The ingredients of home made foods can be raw meats, popular with some or cooked and mixed with brown rice, vegetables etc. Many things are not added in such home food and it is rather difficult to maintain a balanced and nutrition rich food in dogs as in the case of people.

Wet Food

Coming in pouches at present and kept moist in some way, wet dog food gives the dog a juicy meal. This dog food easily provides the formulated nutrition absolutely required for the dog. But there is the danger of having unwanted additives in the dog food. Wet food makes the dog bowl messy while cleaning or storing the remainder for the next feeding.

Dry Food

This is very popular as it is not messy and you can directly pour the food out of a bag and with less clean up. This food is formulated particularly for dog health and is good from the stand point of nutrition. As it is stored in big bags, improper storage can make the dog food stale easily and unfit for use.

Moreover the nutrients and greases in dry dog food are sprayed on the surface of the food. Heat in storage or shipping can destroy the coating of vitamin or make the grease rancid which is not good for health and taste. Regardless of your choice for home made or wet or dry dog food, your main concern should be on the well being and up keep of the dog’s health and providing it the best of dog food that can be relished.

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