The Writer’s Long Drawn Story about the Top Dog Kennel

A popular writer working for the famous California based tabloid.

During her surfing the internet came across interesting news from the web site Top Dog Kennel, and she started collecting information about the black coloured puppy that used to frequent the writer’s back yard.

After a strenuous search she came to a conclusion that the puppy in her back yard is indeed a pit-bull breed and came to know that many of the puppies of Top Dog Kennel comes from Bow Wow Pits in California.

Now for having known the antecedents of the puppy in her back yard, aptly named as Princess, the writer is wondering to know whether any other Pit-bull puppies are related to her Princess.

Scintillating Dog Pictures from Top Dog Kennel

You can find that majority of the dogs that is featured in top dog kennel web site comes under “blues” category. There are other categories such as brindles, fawns, reds, and blacks featured in the web site as well.

The female writer based in California is able to recall all her memories related to the Pit-bull variety of puppy named by her as Princess that lived in her backyard for several months.

Further, the writer on her continuous search in the Top Dog Kennel web site was able to gather more information about her Princess living in her backyard.

She understands that her Princess belonged to a special category of Pit-bull breed namely “Razor Edge.” This particular type of Pit-bull variety is known for its well-toned muscles and large bones.

Long after her naming the puppy as “Princes”, the writer now feels happy that she has in fact given a correct or apt name to the puppy that lived in her back yard once.

The writer also understand from the top dog kennel web site that the Razor Edge Pit-bull puppies are very adjusting type dogs and have a very amenable temperament as a whole.

When the writer read this information she could positively relate this feature to her Princess’s behaviour and recalled that she has never had any difficulty in taming her puppy or found it difficult to drive her Princess back into the kennel.

In fact, it was that interesting chasing experience that made the writer to look for a better kennel for her Princess as the Princess has become large and hefty that necessitated a much larger area.

Now the writer feels happy after coming to know that her Princess has got a better and larger yard for running around.

The friendly Princess some times makes the writer to sit in solitude to recall the pleasant experiences she has had in her back yard with the Princess.

Whenever the writer sees the picture of a dog named Blacky in the Top Dog Kennel web site, the mere look of that dog will kindle the interests of the writer towards her old Princess and the writer will start longing for a re-association with her Princess once again.

The writer also fondly recalls the ability of her Princess puppy in jumping great heights, but she is not aware of the exact height that a grown up Pit-bull can jump and she is also not able to find the information from the Top Dog Kennel web site.




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