How to Treat Your Dog's Persistent Hair Loss

Various sorts of hair loss in dogs need the vet's care in treating them. Not all species of dogs suffer from the same form of hair loss. The causes for hair loss in dogs, as in human being, comprise trauma, modifications in hormone system, internal or external disease, an allergy to food, medication or environment. In fact the pet owner is the one who is terribly unset by the hair loss to his dear dog.

The dog, to be sure, is least worried about its hair loss or improvement. The only exception is to be found in working dogs like St. Bernard dogs or Newfoundland dogs. Hair loss to this dog is dangerous because of the environment in which it works. The dog itself will realize that some thing is wrong as it will not be able to manage the extreme cold or the water respectively.


People can observe hair loss in dogs exhibited in various forms or ways. Pet owners are familiar with raw spots due to the dog licking away the hair and at times many layers of skin and tissue due to irritation. This hair loss can be treated by the application of a topical lotion and additional or less bathing of your dog.

Flea medicine also produces hair loss like raw spots. Tick or flea bite infects the hair loss. Collar rubbing of the dog also creates hair loss causing inflammation. All these three cases can be effectively handled with a topical lotion.

A few of the primary infections that affect specific areas of hair loss in dogs are mange, fungal infections, and local parasites.
There are other esoteric forms of hair loss in dogs.

Bilaterally symmetric hair loss is caused by a thyroid problem known as Cushing's disease. It is seen as two identical patches of hair loss on either side of the body and requires the help of a vet. Undue scratching may be due to hormonal activity. The vet alone can treat this problem.

Seasonal Hair loss

Seasonal hair loss is a unique factor in dogs. At certain periods in a year bald spots appear and gradually disappear s the season changes. The reason for this may be seasonal allergen. In some dogs it may be a mere seasonal change. If irritation continues the vet may prescribe a treatment of melatonin or topical ointments.




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