How to Correct the Behavioral Maladies of an Adopted Shelter Dog?

If you have plans to adopt a shelter dog or just have brought one to your home recently, then it is better you get to know few of the weird behaviour patterns of such shelter dogs and only when you get to known them will you be able to correct them.Shelter dogs are known for its extreme hyperactivity and is may due to their continuous confinement in a closed place and exposure to a life of boredom with high anxiety levels.

You can notice loud whining as a classic behaviour of your shelter dog and with nothing to do in a closed enclosure, the shelter dogs tend to get hyperactive in their behavior.

Now the shelter dog that you have just brought home will have a wide area with all facilities and comforts for its use and the environment might even cause some kind of fear and stress in your dog. As any new living condition may cause little stress, especially to shelter dogs, it is better you allow some time for your new dog to get adjusted to the new environment. You may even see your dog making quick paces within a short distance similar to its earlier habit, but soon your dog will get adjusted to the new environment and stop its quick strides and the unfamiliar whining.

Whenever you new shelter dog is seen with irritability and weird behaviour, then you should never confine it in a closed cage, as this may further deteriorate its behaviour because a closed cage may again bring forth your dog’s old irritable memory back. Instead, you can take your dog for a walk to pacify its hyperactivity and you can also introduce your dog to vigorous exercise schedules so as to get its nervousness treated favorably.

Behavioral Training

Give your dog obedience training and this may help you to get your dog responded to small commands like “sit” or “stay” and in the process your dog’s hyperactivity will make a slow retreat and your dog will become more docile and manageable.

You also need to spend a quality time with your dog and you can get this fulfilled by giving your dog a good training. As you keep spending more quality time with your dog, be it at the time of training or at the time of walking it, the bond between you and your dog will improve and slowly your shelter dog will shed all its hyperactivity and become a more amenable dog.


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