Here’s a Quick way to make your Dog Toilet Training more Effective

In any dog toilet training, starting early can bring in desired results fast and when you know more about the role of dog food and its implications on dog training then your task can never be arduous.

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For instance, if you feed your dog with food that contains high fiber or sugar then your dog is more likely to defecate often than normal or required and this may adversely affect your training too.

Let your Dog Food be Healthy and Nutritious

Dogs doesn’t know to say no when it comes to feeding and hence you should apply your mind and ensure that you feed your dog only to the extent that it will not breach overeating and you should also note to avoid giving your dog too many treats in between meals. Always choose to provide your dog only with healthy foods, and at the same time you should make it as a regular routine when feeding it. Once you stick to your schedule on the above lines, you are sure to maintain your dog in a healthy condition and your dog too can stay healthy and start developing defecating signs or symptoms exactly 30 minutes after its food.

It is also important for you to take your dog out at regular intervals so as to make it learn and maintain the schedule the way you have imparted it with the toilet training. Further, it is also important for you to choose a particular spot for your dog to empty its bowels and note to take your dog to the same spot daily without fail. Whenever you take your dog out kindly ensure that it is leashed and you should also develop the habit of praising your dog for its proper behavior every time.

When it comes to the time for toilet training your dog, there is no hard and fast rule and the earlier the better. It is advisable to start your dog toilet training the moment the dog or the pup enters your home and initially you can use a leash with a collar to train your dog to defecate in the chosen place or spot and over a period of time your dog will start using the same place for its nature’s call.

Crate training is also a yet another concept used to potty train puppies, as dogs generally do not prefer to soil the place where they live in. And this method can prove to be forceful on the part of the dog to learn to defecate outside its crate and once you combine this with voice commands and a walk outside your dog will learn the correct toilet habit fast.

Training your dog on its toilet pattern is considered easy, but you should not expect results fast or within a short time. As dogs learn little slowly, your patience and perseverance can really show up good results.




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